What Our Customers Are Saying

Ben A.
“My wife and I were going through an uncontested divorce. We were looking for a cost-effective way to handle the paperwork without the hefty legal fees. Fortunately, we found this service. Our papers were ready in just 2 days. Thanks a lot.”
Ben A.
Matt L.
“When I decided to order divorce paperwork online, its low cost was the main factor in choosing this company. I was really anxious about my divorce and surely did not want to spend thousands on it. This service is really budget-friendly without compromising quality of documents.”
Matt L.

Commonly Asked Questions

Yes, it is legal. Spouses that have an uncontested marriage dissolution can go for a legit online divorce by sending their forms via an official electronic filing system.

Firstly, you need to collect and fill out divorce forms. You can do that yourself, hire a lawyer, or order the papers from a credible service. Once done, use the eFileMA portal and submit your documents.

The divorce can take 4-5 months, on average, due to the mandatory waiting period of 30 days from the hearing date till the judgment nisi is entered and 90 days more until the divorce is considered finalized.

If you order papers from an online service, the whole cost of your uncontested divorce can be approximately $400-$450. If you hire a lawyer, the price will likely increase by several thousand dollars.